
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки

Институт физического материаловедения

Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук
►►► Институт  Конференции  Международный Байкальский семинар по космомикрофизике 


The International Baikal Workshop on Astroparticle Physics was held on September 16-21, 2018 in the village of Goryachinsk (Pribaikalsky District of the Republic of Buryatia). Foreign scientists (leading experts) from Italy (5 participants), China (9 participants), the Czech Republic (1 participant) participated. There were 6 Russian scientists: 2 participants from the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Senior Doctorate in Physico-mathematical sciences B.K. Lubsandorzhiev, Ph.D student A.Yu. Sidorenkov), 1 participant from Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (N.B. Lubsandorzhiev), 3 participants from the IPMS SB RAS (Senior Doctorate in Engineering sciences, Prof. Yu.B. Bashkuev, Senior Doctorate in Physico-mathematical sciences, Prof. Yu.L. Lomukhin, Ph.D in Physico-mathematical sciences M.G.Dembelov). The speakers at the seminar were all foreign participants, as well as MG Dembelov and Yu.L.Lomukhin.

The aim of APP-2018 is discussion and exchange of new results of fundamental research in the field of astrophysics of elementary particles and neutrino physics, particle detectors, in particular liquid scintillators for the JUNO experiment (LS – liquid scintillator).


- a cosmic rays;
- a neutrino (neutrino oscillations, high-energy physics of neutrino, geo neutrino, e.t.);
- particle detectors;
- liquid scintillators for the JUNO experiment.

Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, 76 institutes from 19 countries (Europe, Asia, USA, South America).


The Institute of Physical Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMS SB RAS), The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Science (INR RAS).
The seminar was held with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia.


Hotel “AVANGARD” placed near lake Baikal beach in Goryachinsk village (the Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation), in 186 km from Ulan-Ude city.


1. 1. Dr. B.K. Lubsandorzhiev, Senior Doctorate in Physico-mathematical sciences (INR RAS, Moscow);
2. 2. Dr. Gioacchino Ranucci, Italy;
3. 3. Dr. Yu Boxiang (Beijing, China);
4. 4. Ing. Vit Vorobel, Ph.D., Czech;
5. 5. Jari Joutsenvaara, Finland.


Yu.B. Bashkuev, senior Doctorate in Engineering sciences, Prof., head of the Electromagnetic Diagnostics Laboratory (IPMS SB RAS, Ulan-Ude);
B.K. Lubsandorzhiev, senior Doctorate in Physico-mathematical sciences (INR RAS, Moscow);
M.G.Dembelov, Ph.D in Physico-mathematical sciences, Senior Researcher (IPMS SB RAS, Ulan-Ude);
Yu.L. Lomukhin, senior Doctorate in Physico-mathematical sciences, Prof., head of the Radio sounding of natural environments laboratory (IPMS SB RAS, Ulan-Ude);
D.B. Ayurov, Researcher (IPMS SB RAS, Ulan-Ude);
A.Yu. Sidorenkov, Ph.D student (INR RAS, Moscow);
N.B. Lubsandorzhiev – Researcher of Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP MSU), Moscow.
The Secretary: M.G.Dembelov, D.B. Ayurov.


IPMS SB RAS 6, Sakhyanovoy street, 670047, Ulan-Ude, RUSSIA. Тел.: +7 (3012) 433210, 433184. Факс: +7 (3012) 433238. е-mail: buddich@mail.ru; mdembelov@mail.ru.


Monday September 17
9.00 Breakfast
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Opening of the Workshop.
14:40 Yuri Bashkuev, Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev. Welcome.
14:45 Gioacchino Ranucci. On the agenda of the Workshop
14:55 Gioacchino Ranucci. Status of the JUNO experiment.
15:30 Tao Hu. Liquid scintillator plant (remotely by Skype).
16:00 Jian Fang Liquid scintillator purification, general issues
16:30 Coffee break
17:00 Boxiang Yu Sensitivity of JUNO to relict supernova neutrinos
17:30 Free discussions.
18:30 End of the day.
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday September 18
9.00 Breakfast
9.45 Paolo Lombardi. Geoneutrino.
10:15 Xiaoyan Ma. Proton decay with JUNO.
10:45 Xilei Sun. CP-violation measurements in JUNO.
11:15 Xiao Cai. Supernova neutrinos in JUNO.
11.45 Coffe break
12:15 Marco Giamarchi. Sensitivity of JUNO to neutrino mass hierarchy.
12:45 Jari Joutsenvaara. Solar CNO neutrinos and C14 concentration in LS (remotely by Skype).
13.15 lunch
15.00 Excursion to the lake Baikal
End of the day
19.00 Welcome party and the Woakshop social dinner
Wednesday September 19
9.00 Breakfast
9:45 Vit Vorobel. Calibration systems for JUNO.
10:15 Vladimir Rykalin. Novel plastic scintillators for muon-veto (remotely by Skype).
10:45 Andrey Sidorenkov. New perspective fluors for liquid scintillators.
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 M.G.Dembelov and oth. Effect of surface electromagnetic waves over high-inductive terrains
12:15 Jun Cao. Neutrino physics with JUNO.
12:45 Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev. Fundamentals of neutrino oscillation.
13.15 Lunch
14:15 Yu.L.Lomukhin and oth. The inverse reflection in the Fresnel problem
14:45 Li Zhou. Status of Liquid Scintillator of JUNO
15:15 Yayun Ding. LS purification from U and Th and K
15:45 Coffee break
16:00 Zhi Wu. LS stripping.
16:30 Emanuela Meroni. Low background measurements for JUNO.
17:00 Free discussions, plans, shifts, next meeting.
18:00 Closing of the Workshop.


Foreign participants:

1. Yu Boxiang, China;
2. Ding Yayun, China;
3. Fang Jian, China;
4. Sun Xilei, China;
5. Ma Хiaoyan, China;
6. Wu Zhi, China;
7. Cai Xiao, China;
8. Zhou Li, China;
9. Cao Jun, China;
10. Michele Montuschi, Italy;
11. Giammarchi Marco Giulio, Italy;
12. Paolo Lombardi, Italy;
13. Meroni Emanuela, Italy;
14. Gioacchino Ranucci, Italy;
15. Vit Vorobel, Czech;

Russian participants:

1. B.K. Lubsandorzhiev
2. A.Yu. Sidorenkov
3. N.B. Lubsandorzhiev
4. Yu.B. Bashkuev
5. M.G.Dembelov
6. Yu.L. Lomukhin

Gioacchino Ranucci – one of the two co-leaders of the JUNO experiment, head of experiments Borexino (neutrino), Dark Side (dark matter), LUNA (nuclear astrophysics).

Cao Jun, Zhou Li, Paolo Lombardi, Vit Vorobel, Michele Montuschi are the world's leading experts in particle astrophysics.