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Тезисы докладов международных конференций

1. Smirnyagina, N.N. Features of phase formation in systems Me-B-C-O (Me - Ti, V) in vacuum and synthesis of borides/carbides layers under influence intensive electron beams / N.N. Smirnyagina, D.E. Dasheev, A.S. Milonov, B.D. Danzhiev, Z.M. Khaltarov, V.M. Khaltanova // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 2a. – P. 110.

2. Smirnyagina, N.N. Thermodynamic modeling and formation of nanocomposite TiN-Cu layers on quartz / N.N. Smirnyagina, D.B.-D. Tsyrenov, A.P. Semenov, V.M. Khaltanova // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 2b. – P. 125.

3. Rempe, N.G. Choice of synthesis conditions of composite powders for nonvacuum electron beam producing of wear resisting and heat stability coatings / N.G. Rempe, N.N. Smirnyagina, V.M. Khaltanova // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 3. – P. 89.

4. Smirnyagina, N.N. Phase equilibrium in system Fe-B-C-O and synthesis of borides iron layers in vacuum under influence electron beam / N.N. Smirnyagina, D.E. Dasheev // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 3. – P. 189.

5. Dasheev, D.E. Modeling of the electron-beam boriding in the system Fe-B-C-O2 / D.E. Dasheev, N.N. Smirnyagina // Abstracts of The 5-th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. – Tomsk: – 2016. – P. 226.

6. Milonov, A.S. Creation of the nanostructured superhard and heat resisting layers on die steel at influence of intensive electron beams in vacuum / A.S. Milonov, B.A. Danzheev, N.N. Smirnyagina // Abstracts of The 5-th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. – Tomsk: 2016. – P. 256.

7. Tsyrenov, D. B-D. Modelling of process formation of the nanocomposite TiN-Cu layers received by vacuum-arc evaporation of Ti and magnetron sputtering of Cu / D. B-D. Tsyrenov, A.P. Semenov, N.N. Smirnyagina // Abstracts of The 5-th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. – Tomsk: – 2016. – P. 292.

8. Smirnyagina, N.N. Phase equilibrium in system Ti-Si-C-O and synthesis of max phases layers in vacuum under influence electron beam / N.N. Smirnyagina, V.M. Khaltanova, D.E. Dasheev // Abstracts of The 5-th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. – Tomsk: – 2016. – P. 315.

9. Semenov, A.P. Plasmo-chemical synthesis carbon nanomaterials and their use for formation of composite cold-resistant building materials / A.P. Semenov, N.N. Smirnyagina, L.A. Urkhanova, I.A. Semenova, S.A. Lkhasaranov, B.O. Tsyrenov, D.E. Dasheev, Z.M. Khaltarov // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 2a. – P. 103.

10. Urkhanova, L.A. Influence carbon nano-modifiers on physical and mechanical properties of asphalt coating / L.A. Urkhanova, N.I. Shestakov, A.P. Semenov, N.N. Smirnyagina, I.A. Semenova, B.O. Tsyrenov, D.E. Dasheev, Z.M. Khaltarov // Abstracts XX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Five-volumes book. Vol. 2b : abstracts. – Ekaterinburg : Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 2b. – P. 166.

11. Smirnyagina, N.N. Plasma-chemical synthesis of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes to create frost-resistant composite building materials / N.N. Smirnyagina, A.P. Semenov, B.O. Tsyrenov, D.E. Dasheev, Z.M. Khaltarov // Abstracts 5th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. – Tomsk: – 2016. – P. 354.

12. Lutsyk, V. Crystallization Paths in Ceramic Systems with the Materials for Energy Application / V. Lutsyk, A. Zelenaya, M. Parfenova // 2nd Intern. Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications. - Book of Abstracts. – Belgrade, Serbia. – 29-30 September 2016. – P. 5-6.

13. Lutsyk, V. 4D Phase Diagrams for the Molten Salts Reactor Materials / V. Lutsyk, V. Vorob’eva // 2nd Intern. Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications. – Book of Abstracts. – Belgrade, Serbia. – 29-30 September 2016. – P. 32-36.

14. Lutsyk, V. Concentration Fields of the Phase Diagrams for the Materials Genome Decoding / Lutsyk V. // 4th Intern. Conf. on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (is-cmtp4): Book of Abstracts. – Miskolc, Hungary. – 3-7 October 2016. – P. 31.

15. Lutsyk, V.I. Computer Models of Bounding T-x-y Diagrams for Ceramic System TiO2-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3 / V.I. Lutsyk, A.E. Zelenaya // 4th Intern. Conf. on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (is-cmtp4), 2nd Intern. Symp. on Innovative Construction Materials (is-icm2): Book of Abstracts. – Miskolc, Hungary. 3-7 October 2016. – P. 235.

16. Lutsyk, V.I. 3D Computer Model of Ti-C-V T-x-y Diagram with Three-Phase Reaction Type Changing / V.I. Lutsyk, V.P. Vorob’eva, M.D. Parfenova // Intern. Conf. on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (is-cmtp4), 2nd Intern. Symp. on Innovative Carbon and Carbon Based Materials (is-icbm2): Book of Abstracts. – Miskolc, Hungary. – 2016. – P. 251.

17. Pogorenko, Y.V. Transport Properties of Aliovalent Substitution Solid Solutions of the System (1-x)PbF2-xYF3-SnF2 / Y.V. Pogorenko, R.M. Pshenychnyi, V.I. Lutsyk, A.O. Omel’chuk // 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes ic-cmtp4: Book of Abstracts. Miskolc, Hungary. – 2016. – P. 163.

18. Ivanenko, A. Synthesis of Fluozirconate Glass ZBNL with Partial or Complete Substitution of Samarium, Europium and Ytterbium Difluorides for Barium (Lanthanum) Fluorides / A. Ivanenko, V. Lutsyk, N. Kompanichenko, A. Omelchuk // 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes ic-cmtp4 (1st International Symposium on Intelligent and Smart Materials is-iscm1): Book of Abstracts. Miskolc, Hungary. – 2016. – P. 225.

19. Asylova, S.V. Trajectories of the Melt in System TiO2-Al2O3-SiO2 / S.V. Asylova, А.E. Zelenaya // Cборник докладов II международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых “Химические проблемы современности”. – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд-во ЮФУ. –2016. – Т. 7. – С.53-54.

20. Belykh, E.P. Material Balances on Isopleths of T-x-y Diagram with Incongruently Melting Compound АВmСn / E.P. Belykh, A.E. Zelenaya // Cборник докладов II международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых “Химические проблемы современности”. – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд-во ЮФУ. –2016. – Т. 7. – С.54-56.

21. Bimbaev, E.S. T-x-y Computer Diagram for Ag9GaSe6-CdSe-AgGaSe2 System / E.S. Bimbaev, M.D. Parfenova, A.E. Zelenaya // Cборник докладов II международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых “Химические проблемы современности”. – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд-во ЮФУ. –2016. – Т. 7. – С.57-58.

22. Lutsyk, V. 3D computer model of the Ag-Au-Sb T-x-y diagram for lead-free solders / V. Lutsyk, V. Vorob'eva // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 4th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-Ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical Processing. – 2016. - P. 1.

23. Lutsyk, V. Concentration Complexes Polyhedration for the Quinary Reciprocal Systems / V. Lutsyk, V. Vorob'eva, M. Parfenova // Abstarcts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit). Starkey International Symposium, 3rd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mineral Processing: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice). – 2016. – P. 1.

24. Lutsyk, V. Elaboration of 3D computer models of T-x-y diagrams and analysis of concentration fields for the systems LiF-PuF3-RbF and KF-PuF3-RbF / V. Lutsyk, A. Zelenaya // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 4th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing. – 2016. – P. 1.

25. Lutsyk, V. Eutectic melt properties in the subsystem LiF-NaF-NaNdF4 of the fluoride system Li,Na,Nd||F / V. Lutsyk, A. Zelenaya, A. Omel'chuk, N. Faidyuk, R. Savchuk // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 4th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing. – 2016. – P.1.

26. Лебедева, М.Н. Зависимость амплитуды сфигмограммы от силы прижима датчика / М.Н. Лебедева // Сборник статей Международной научно - практической конференции «Научные основы современного прогресса». – Ч.2 – Уфа: МЦИИ ОМЕГА САЙНС. – 2016. – С.59-61.

27. Lutsyk, V. Phase Diagrams with Melt Immiscibility and system Fe-Cu-S / V. Lutsyk, V. Vorob'eva, A. Zyryanov, S. Shodorova // Abstract of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. Takano International Symposium. 1st Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Metals & Alloys Processing. – 2015. – P. 1.

28. Lutsyk. V. Transformation of Concentration Coordinates and Polyhedration of Concentration Complexes in Multicomponent Systems / V. Lutsyk , V. Vorob'eva, M. Parfenova // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mineral Processing: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practic. – 2015. – P. 1.

29. Lutsyk, V. Simulation of Phase Diagrams of Ternary Systems Bounding LiF-NaF-KF-PuF3 System for Prediction of Crystallization Stage / V. Lutsyk, A. Zelenaya, A. Zyryanov // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing. – 2015. - P. 1.

30. Lutsyk, V. Space Diagrams for Metals' and Slags' Systems Illustrated the Processes of Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis / V. Lutsyk, A. Zyryanov, E. Nasrulin, M. Parfenova // Abstracts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. Vanyukov International Symposium. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Processing. – 2015. – P. 1.

31. Lutsyk, V. Phase Diagrams with Allotropies and System Fe-Co-S / V. Lutsyk, V. Vorob'eva, E. Nasrulin, O. Sumkina // Abstarcts of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Production of Ferro-Alloys. – 2015. – P. 1.

32. Омпоков В.Д. Частотно-временной анализ пульсовых сигналов // Международная молодежная научно-практическая конференция "Россия – Монголия": Материалы Международной молодежной научно-практической конференции. Иркутск: Изд-во Института географии им. В.Б.Сочавы СО РАН, 2016. – C.171-172.

33. Bazarov, A.V. Technologies of Physical Monitoring and Mathematical Modeling for Estimation of Ground Forest Fuel Fire Condition / N.V. Baranovskiy, A.V. Bazarov // EPJ Web of Conferences. – 2016. – P. –110.

34. Chimitdorzhiev, T.N. Frost heave estimation of marshy soil by Alos Palsar interferometry and geodetic leveling, case study from the Baikal lake region / T.N. Chimitdorzhiev, P.N. Dagurov, M.E. Bykov, A.V. Dmitriev, I.I. Kirbizhekova // International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 5292-5295.

35. Zakharov, A.I. Oil platforms in Caspian sea as stable distributed radar scatterers for Palsar calibration / A.I. Zakharov, L.N. Zakharova, M.V. Sorochinsky, T.N. Chimitdorzhiev // International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 3859-3862.

36. Dmitriev, A.V. Fractal polarization signature of radar backscattering variations / A.V. Dmitriev, T.N. Chimitdorzhiev, P.N. Dagurov // International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 4972-4975.

37. Zakharov, A.I. X-band SAR interferometry for forest dynamics detection / A.I. Zakharov, L.N. Zakharova, T.N. Chimitdorzhiev // International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 5975-5977.

38.WW Earth’s electromagnetic field by observations in Buryatia / G. I. Drugin, Yu. B. Bashkuev, I. B. Naguslaeva, N. V. Cherneva, B. M. Shevtsov // E3S Web of Conferences. Proceedings of VII International Conference “Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors” [Электронный ресурс]. – 2016. – Vol. 11. – 00005. – Режим доступа : http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20161100005

39. Анализ радиоимпедансных и георадарных зондирований на Торской и Кыренской палеосейсмодислокациях / Ю.Б. Башкуев, В.Б. Хаптанов, М.Г. Дембелов, В.А. Саньков, А.А. Добрынина, Г.И. Дружин // Тезисы докладов VI Международной конференции «Солнечно-земные связи и физика предвестников землетрясений». – Паратунка: ИКИР ДВО РАН. – 2016. – С. 79.

40. Суточные вариации СДВ радиоволн на среднеширотной трассе Новосибирск-Улан-Удэ / Ю.Б. Башкуев, Д.Г. Буянова, В.Р. Адвокатов, И.Б. Нагуслаева, А.Л. Бояров, Г.И. Дружин // Тезисы докладов VI Международной конференции «Солнечно-земные связи и физика предвестников землетрясений». – Паратунка: ИКИР ДВО РАН. – 2016. – С. 96.