Preliminary scientific programme
The international Baikal Astroparticle Physics Workshop
Scientific programme (Preliminary):
- I.I.Tkachev (INR, Moscow). Ultra high energy cosmic rays (>1018 eV), Telescope Array.
- L.B.Bezrukov (INR, Moscow). Geoneutrinos and the Earth's model.
- V.N.Gavrin (INR, Moscow). Solar neutrinos, Experiment SAGE.
- Yu.G.Kudenko (INR, Moscow). Theta13 measurements in accelerator and
reactor experiments. Future prospects of long baseline experiments.
- F. von Feilitzsch (Technical University of Munich). Geoneutrinos, Experiment LENA.
- John Learned (University of Hawaii). Discovery of neutrino oscillations. S-Kamiokande experiment, KamLAND.
- T.Lachenmaier (University of Tuebingen). Reactor neutrino oscillation experiments. Experiment Double-Chooz.
- E.G.Berezhko (IKFIA, Yakutsk). Cosmic ray acceleration.
- J.Jochum (University of Tuebingen). Dark matter. CRESST experiment.
- P.Grabmayr (University of Tuebingen). Neutrionless double beta-decay, GERDA experiment.
- A.Barabash (ITEP, Moscow). Double beta decay experiments: beginning of a new era.
- M.Anghinolfi (University of Genova). High energy neutrinos, ANTARES.
- N.Budnev (ISU, Irkutsk). High energy neutrinos, Baikal.
- O.Kalekin (ECAP, Erlangen) High energy neutrinos, KM3NET.
- L.Classen (ECAP, Erlangen) - High energy neutrinos, ICECUBE.
- L.Kuzmichev (MSU, Moscow) High energy cosmic rays (1015 – 1018 eV). Tunka-HiSCORE
- T.Raiha. The EMMA Experiment.
- B.Lubsandorzhiev (INR, Moscow). The Tunka experiment.
- A.Haungs (KIT, Karlsruhe). Ultra high energy cosmic rays. Auger-Next, KASCADE-GRANDE.
- R.Mirzoyan (MPI, Munich) High energy gamma-ray astronomy.
- M.Shayduk (DESY-Zeuthen) CTA observatory.
- V.Kabanov (Stefan Institute). Review of present status of superconductivity.
- E.Gushin (INR, Moscow). LHC, LHCb - recent results.
- M.Kirsanov (INR, MOscow). LHC, CMS – recent results.
- V.Gorbachev (INR BNO). Sterile neutrinos with SAGE?
- Yu.Stenkin (INR, Moscow). Neutrons in extensive air showers.
- J.McMillan (University of Sheffield). Neutron detectors and their use in astroparticle physics experiments.
- Yu.Yoshizawa (Yamamatsu city, Japan). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (Hamamatsu).
- A. Cormack (Uxbridge, UK). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (ET Enterprises).
- S.Belyanchenko (Moscow). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (MELZ-FEU).
- R.Vasiliiev (ISTP, Irkutsk).