
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки

Институт физического материаловедения

Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук

Международный байкальский семинар по космомикрофизике - 2012
Русский English


Programme and organizing committees

Preliminary scientific programme


Useful information



The international Baikal Astroparticle Physics Workshop

Scientific programme (Preliminary):

  1. I.I.Tkachev (INR, Moscow). Ultra high energy cosmic rays (>1018 eV), Telescope Array.
  2. L.B.Bezrukov (INR, Moscow). Geoneutrinos and the Earth's model.
  3. V.N.Gavrin (INR, Moscow). Solar neutrinos, Experiment SAGE.
  4. Yu.G.Kudenko (INR, Moscow). Theta13 measurements in accelerator and reactor experiments. Future prospects of long baseline experiments.
  5. F. von Feilitzsch (Technical University of Munich). Geoneutrinos, Experiment LENA.
  6. John Learned (University of Hawaii). Discovery of neutrino oscillations. S-Kamiokande experiment, KamLAND.
  7. T.Lachenmaier (University of Tuebingen). Reactor neutrino oscillation experiments. Experiment Double-Chooz.
  8. E.G.Berezhko (IKFIA, Yakutsk). Cosmic ray acceleration.
  9. J.Jochum (University of Tuebingen). Dark matter. CRESST experiment.
  10. P.Grabmayr (University of Tuebingen). Neutrionless double beta-decay, GERDA experiment.
  11. A.Barabash (ITEP, Moscow). Double beta decay experiments: beginning of a new era.
  12. M.Anghinolfi (University of Genova). High energy neutrinos, ANTARES.
  13. N.Budnev (ISU, Irkutsk). High energy neutrinos, Baikal.
  14. O.Kalekin (ECAP, Erlangen) High energy neutrinos, KM3NET.
  15. L.Classen (ECAP, Erlangen) - High energy neutrinos, ICECUBE.
  16. L.Kuzmichev (MSU, Moscow) High energy cosmic rays (1015 – 1018 eV). Tunka-HiSCORE
  17. T.Raiha. The EMMA Experiment.
  18. B.Lubsandorzhiev (INR, Moscow). The Tunka experiment.
  19. A.Haungs (KIT, Karlsruhe). Ultra high energy cosmic rays. Auger-Next, KASCADE-GRANDE.
  20. R.Mirzoyan (MPI, Munich) High energy gamma-ray astronomy.
  21. M.Shayduk (DESY-Zeuthen) CTA observatory.
  22. V.Kabanov (Stefan Institute). Review of present status of superconductivity.
  23. E.Gushin (INR, Moscow). LHC, LHCb - recent results.
  24. M.Kirsanov (INR, MOscow). LHC, CMS – recent results.
  25. V.Gorbachev (INR BNO). Sterile neutrinos with SAGE?
  26. Yu.Stenkin (INR, Moscow). Neutrons in extensive air showers.
  27. J.McMillan (University of Sheffield). Neutron detectors and their use in astroparticle physics experiments.
  28. Yu.Yoshizawa (Yamamatsu city, Japan). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (Hamamatsu).
  29. A. Cormack (Uxbridge, UK). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (ET Enterprises).
  30. S.Belyanchenko (Moscow). Recent progress in vacuum photodetectors (MELZ-FEU).
  31. R.Vasiliiev (ISTP, Irkutsk).